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Online examination system for staff recruitment: Web based Online examination system for staff recruitment

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Online examination system for staff recruitment

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Picture of Issa Fatai by Issa Fatai - 1 year ago (2023-07-02)

Web based Online examination system for staff recruitment

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I need a PHP system that uses MySQL to implement a Web-based Online examination system for staff recruitment.

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1 Recommendation

PHP Microservices Framework: Setup microservices apps with configuration arrays

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This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Ramesh Narayan Jangid by Ramesh Narayan Jangid package author package author Reputation 25 - 1 year ago (2023-07-06) Comment

One can create the database as per requirement and can configure the queries as per tables created in the database. This is a Microservices framework and one can create API's in easy steps.

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